Shingai, the legendary front woman and bassist from Noisettes released her debut solo EP ‘Ancient Futures’ on June 28th 2019. Igniting a new chapter for the artist, the four tracks are an amalgamation of all the sounds and experiences that have brought Shingai to this point.
This short film, produced by Reform The Funk, co-written by Shingai and directed by Rankin protégé Derrick Kakembo was created to complement the single of the same name, and focuses on telling a story of black masculinity, resilience and afro-futurism.
A celebration of her London roots, Southern-African heritage and pioneering musical eclecticism, ‘Ancient Futures’ takes you on sonic odyssey. “Modern civilization is based on incredible ancient civilizations that are systematically discredited. I’m really excited about evolution: evolving as a woman, as a human, and as an artist. I feel like in order to have the future we want, especially in this tense moment for the world, we need to learn from many ancient civilizations.” Shingai says. “Ancient Futures is about asking how can we go forward if we don’t make peace with our past? It’s a chance to raise our vibrations and not repeat mistakes.” ‘
The ‘Ancient Futures’ EP is fearlessly infused with a soulful yet boisterous spirit – it is electrifying and compelling. Featuring collaborations with Dave Okumu, Daniel Smith (Noisettes), Gadi Sassoon, Jean-Baptise Kouame, Gabriel Makamanzi and more.
You can listen to the EP here.