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Category: Actions
Resourcing Black Lives
You are not helpless in this moment. There is so much we can do to support black lives to flourish. So we’ve compiled some resources and suggestions.
Skin Deep presents: Untold stories of environmental justice
We are making a collaborative documentary that celebrates the powerful environmental justice work done by people of colour in the UK.
Eugene Ankomah: an artist highlighting the problem of knife crime in the UK through collective community action
We need to talk honestly about the link between austerity and knife crime in the UK.
Skin Deep Futures
In looking to the future, Skin Deep platforms grassroots collectives that are working in different ways to uplift their communities.
Decolonising Food: Recentering Traditional Foods in the Fight for Climate Justice
Challenging the ‘one size fits all’ attitude of the vegan movement in the West
Standing with the Indigenous Communities Fighting for Climate Justice at COP23
Why Indigenous Peoples took the stage at COP23 to end false solutions and fight for climate justice
Media Amnesia: Remembering Somalia After the Fact
When the 24 hour news cycle forgets attacks in the global south, what can we do to keep them at the forefront?
Everyday Activism 101
Skin Deep Meets Anna Himali Howard to talk creating handmade political pamphlets in the age of the internet and social media.
The inextricable link between mental health services and communities of colour
The links between social exclusion, class status, and mental health are inextricable; leaving communities of colour to be the most disproportionately impacted.